IC 2177  -  Seagull Nebula

66%  resolution (3.6MB)

Object identification (3.6MB)

Object data of IC2177

Object type: Emission nebula
Size: 20'
Magnitude: -
Constellation: Mon
Distance: 3,600 Ly
Notes: The Seagull Nebula is a large area of emission nebulosity in the constellation of Monoceros. IC 2177 is the round-shaped nebula on the right side.

Exposure data

Date: 2017-11-16 + 2017-11-18 + 2017-11-19
Location: ATHOS Centro Astronomico / La Palma (900m)
Telescope: Pentax 125 SDP (f=800mm)
Camera: Nikon D810A (ISO800)
Mount: Skywatcher EQ6-R
Exposure time: 46x6min
Exposure time total: 4h36min
Notes: Image acquisition by CEDIC team (Markus Blauensteiner, Christoph Kaltseis, Bernhard Hubl)

Image processing by Markus Blauensteiner

