M 41 + Sirius

50%  resolution (2.7MB)

Image with AP175

Object data of M41

Object type: Open star cluster (II3m)
Size: 38'
Magnitude: 4.5mag
Constellation: CMa
Distance: 2,300 Ly
Notes: Messier 41 is an open star cluster in the constellation Canis Major. M41 lies about four degrees almost exactly south of Sirius.

Exposure data

Date: 2014-02-22
Location: Hacienda Los Andes / Chile (1100m)
Telescope: Canon EF 200mm f/2.8L @ f/3.5 + mechanical stopper
Camera: EOS6D (ISO1600)
Mount: Astrotrac TT320X
Exposure time: 66x2min
Exposure time total: 2h12min
Notes: Image acquisition by CEDIC team (Bernhard Hubl, Christoph Kaltseis, Wolfgang Leitner and Herbert Walter)

Image processing by Bernhard Hubl

