NGC 6871

Full resolution (1600x1200 px  850kB)

Object identification in 50% size (800x600 px 300kB)

Object data of NGC6871

Object type: open cluster (II 2 p n)
Size: 20'
Magnitude: 5.2 mag
Constellation: Cyg
Distance: 5,100 Ly

Exposure data

Date: 2007-09-19
Location: Nussbach / Austria (400m)
Telescope: TeleVue NP101 (4" Apo f=540mm)
Camera: ST2000XM with CFW8 and SBIG Filters
  Binning: L 1x1 / RGB 1x1
  Exposure time: L 38x2m / R 9x8m / G 9x4m / B 9x4m
Exposure time total: 3h 40m


Objects in image:

open clusters: NGC6871, Biurakan1

emission nebulae: LBN179, LBN182

reflection nebula GN20.03.0

dark nebula: B146



