UGC 5139  -  Holmberg I

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150%  crop (0.3MB)

DSLR widefield image

Object data of UGC5139

Object type: Dwarf Galaxy (dIrr)
Size: 3.6' x 3.0'
Magnitude: 13.1 mag
Constellation: UMa
Distance: 12.5 Mio Ly
Notes: UGC 5139, also named Holmberg I after its discoverer, is a dwarf galaxy in the constellation of Ursa Major, about 12.5 million light-years away from Earth.

Exposure data

Date: 2022-03-23 until 2022-05-02 (6 nights)
Location: Nussbach / Austria (400m)
Telescope: 12" Newtonian telescope (f=1120mm)
Camera: QSI 660wsg-8 with Astrodon filters
Binning: L 1x1 / RGB 1x1
Mount: ASA DDM85
Exposure time: L 90x8min / RGB 34x8min each
Exposure time total: 25h 36min

