Abell 2218  -  Wide Field

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Object identification (1.9MB)

Comparison with 12" Newtonian image (100kB)

Image with 12" Newtonian (f=1120mm)

Object data of Abell2218

Object type: galaxy cluster
Size: 20'
Magnitude: 17.7 mag (magnitude for the tenth-ranked cluster member)
Constellation: Dra
Distance: 2.1 billion Ly
Notes: Abell 2218 is a cluster of galaxies about 2.1 billion light-years away in the constellation Draco.

The above image shows two further Abell galaxy clusters (Abell2207 and Abell2229), as shown in the object identification image.

Exposure data

Date: 2010-07-02 + 07 + 08 + 09
Location: Nussbach / Austria (400m)
Telescope: TeleVue NP101 (4" Apo f=540mm)
Camera: EOS1000D (ISO400)
Mount: WAM 650
Exposure time: 101x6m
Exposure time total: 10h 06m
Notes: very high ambient temperature during exposures (15-20°C)

