Comet Wirtanen (46P)   2018-12-04/05

100%  resolution (0.3MB)

DSLR widefield image

Object data

Object type: Comet
Size: -
Magnitude: -
Constellation: Eri
Distance: 0.104 AU (15.5 Mio km)

Exposure data

Date: 2018-12-04/05  23:00 - 01:00 UT
Location: ATHOS Centro Astronomico / La Palma (900m)
Telescope: Astro-Physics 175mm f/8 Starfire EDF with field flattener (f=1452mm)
Camera: Moravian G4-16000 with Baader filters
Binning: L 4x4 / RGB 4x4
Mount: 10micron GM3000 HPS
Exposure time: L 21x2min / R 7x2min / G 7x2min / B 7x2min
Exposure time total: 1h 24min

