Calima affects Transparency

50%  resolution (3.0MB)

Final image with AP175

Exposure data

Date: 2017-07-23 + 2017-07-24
Location: ATHOS Centro Astronomico / La Palma (900m)
Telescope: Astro-Physics 175mm f/8 Starfire EDF with field flattener (f=1452mm)
Camera: Moravian G4-16000 with Baader filters
Binning: L 1x1
Mount: 10micron GM3000 HPS
Exposure time: comparison of two frames with 6min exposure time
Exposure time total: 6 min
Notes: This gif animation compares two luminance frames of LBN 7 with an exposure time of 6min, which were captured on two consecutive nights at the same altitude of 45°. Both nights were completely cloudless, but in the second night Calima (a hot, sand laden wind that blows in from the Northern Sahara) worsened the transparency.

Image acquisition by CEDIC team (Bernhard Hubl, Christoph Kaltseis, Markus Blauensteiner, Michael Hanl)

Image processing by Bernhard Hubl

