Melotte 25  -  Hyades

40%  resolution (1.2MB)

Object identification (1.2MB)

Object data of Melotte25 (Hyades)

Object type: open star cluster
Size: 330'
Magnitude: -
Constellation: Tau
Distance: 150 Ly
Notes: Because of the small distance of Melotte 25, the apparent diameter of this open cluster is very big (5.5deg). Behind the Hyades one can find much dust.

Exposure data

Date: 2014-02-03
Location: Nussbach / Austria (400m)
Telescope: Canon EF 200mm f/2.8L @ f/3.5 + mechanical stopper
Camera: EOS6D (ISO1600)
Mount: Astrotrac TT320X
Exposure time: 52x2min
Exposure time total: 1h 44min
Notes: bad transparency because of fog

